Saturday, April 2, 2011


one of our assignments was to find a photo we liked and in some way do a remake of it. you could either choose to copy the entire image, or take an element you liked and try to remake that. i chose a photo by sally mann, and the element i especially like is the girls intense look, which is what i tried to capture in my photo as well.


  1. Awesome portrait, I think you recreated the look of the Sally Mann photograph perfectly.

  2. wow, the colored one is amazing. beautiful eyes.

  3. Følte at den mannen som holdt jenta manglet i bildet ditt. Det var veldig synd for jeg føler at det var et veldig viktig element å få med, det var nesten som om det var grunnen til at jenta hadde det intense blikket som med ett ble litt tammere nå, men ellers fint :) hun likna nesten litt i utseende.

  4. these are such lovely pictures my sweet xx

  5. thank you!
    tiril: skjønner hva du mener, men unnlot bevisst å ha ham med, for da føler jeg at bildet ville ligne litt for mye, slik at jeg ikke kan kalle det mitt eget, men bare en kopi :) jeg prøvde som sagt heller ikke å gjennskape bildet, bare ta et element fra det i mitt eget bilde.

  6. Those eyes are unreal. Quite lovely.

  7. i love the color version! it's very beautiful xx

  8. The expression is beautiful. In the same vain of Sally Mann and yet entirely your own. Well done!

  9. Oooo, så stilig oppgave! Syns du fikk det innmari bra til og! :D

  10. Stunning! I like the tones of the photos!

  11. The color one is great, but I think the b/w is more powerful. The look seems more intense, almost stubborn in that one.

  12. Awesome color~!
    Is that why she looks a bit happier?

  13. i think it works pretty well )
