Monday, November 29, 2010

a tiny update

the next couple of weeks will be pretty busy for me. i'll have my final driving test and i'll be moving to denmark to attend a photography school that lasts around 6 months. i'm already excited and nervous about both. i also had plans for going to oslo this fall/winter, but because of all the driving lessons i've had to take i haven't had the time. which is very disappointing. i kind of miss the big city, hopefully i'll get to spend some time in copenhagen during christmas.

i also got two books in the mail, with my photos on the cover:

and i did a shoot for heart magazine (by hjartesmil), i'll post it here eventually!


  1. all the photos look amaaaaaaazing! <3

  2. Du er awesome!
    Når sa du at du hadde oppkjøring?


  3. Congratulations, sweetheart. The covers are outstanding!
    And good luck in Denmark! You'll gonna be just fine <3

  4. What school in denmark will you be attending?

    Lovely book-covers!

  5. Fine!! Har alltid lurt på en ting, sånn når det gjelder bokomslag. Er det forfatteren/forlaget som kontakter deg, eller kontaktet du dem?
    Ogsååå lurte jeg på hvilken fotoskole du skal begynne på i Danmark, og hvorfor? :)

  6. that's amazing!! your pictures look so good on the covers! you'll do great at your school, don't worry (:

  7. Congratulations! How sweet is that! That is an awesome accomplishment to have your work on a book cover and in a magazine! You are definitely going places girl!
    Good luck with school too. You are a great talent :)

  8. for noen fine bilder du har tatt. Du er flink!

    Og hva synes du om Harry Potter? Jeg tror jeg likte best når Harry og Hermine danset. Det lagde et lite lykkelig brudd på hele(jeg mener halve) den triste filmen.

  9. you are so talented :)



  10. takk! :-)

    åh, du er så flink. covrene ble kjempefine!

  11. Du er så flink og så ambisiøs og jeg liker det <3 Gratulerer!

  12. thank you!
    the school is called krabbesholm.

  13. oooh my god!CONNGRATULATIOOONNNNSSS!!! you'are fantastic.. and you have a great, great talent! GOOOD LUCK IN DENMARK! :)

  14. yep, here is a proof you are one of the bests :) your photography just brights my day every time I run to it somewhere on the internet <3

  15. I walked into the library, saw 'The FitzOsbournes in Exile' and thought to myself, 'that photo looks familiar...' and then I realised it was yours. It made my day, oddly enough. :) It's a wonderful book, too. Congratulations!
